So, I have a ton of pics in this post... These are ALL from my phone! They're really not in any order, but I'll try to 'caption' the ones I can!
This was today... April Fool's Day! 6 Weeks and 1 Day old! She's in the cutest little dress... it's actually a preemie size, but I don't know what preemie would fit well in this... It's even big on Kaygan!

This little red 'lesson' is for Kaygan to look at. She loves to look at it! The black and white contrast is really interesting to her!

She mimics us... if we stick out our tongues at her, she does it back to us!

Her NICU quilt is her comfort zone quilt! She loves to cuddle that thing!

Now THIS is a relaxed baby!

Her first outdoor walk! She loved it! Her hat is something that was donated to NICU babies... so she got one!

Smiley Baby!

She sleeps with her eyes open sometimes!

This blanket was made by my Grandma Theiss for the baby when my mom was pregnant with me. Didn't know if I was a boy or girl... but this blanket rocks!

Hey, Wus up?

Relaxin on Daddy!


We're not happy!

Hayden feeding Kaygan a bottle. Haydie is SO excited about a baby girl around... I think I've mentioned it before, but this was her first time to really get to hold and cuddle Baby Kaygan.

Wearing a little bow from Aunt Bex!

This onesie has a pink New York Yankees logo on it!

Hmmmm, like father like daughter!

So, this isn't a Kaygan picture, but it's a miracle! Madison (our little chihuahua) doesn't care for anyone else with 4 legs... the two of them touching is a miracle!

Sleeping and cuddling with a burp cloth!

Snoozin with Aunt Bex!

Bobby in the hospital, just getting the induction started!

Not sure what day this was for sure, but we were still in the hospital!

She loves her Seahorse! Helps her sleep!

Hope you enjoyed!!!
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