Here's Bobby getting ready to put her in the carseat. No matter how big I think she's getting, as soon as I see him holding her, she seems smaller!
Yeah, I only wanted the bow on for church, but it was a bit chilly, so we did a hat with the bow till we got to church.

So, I was a little sneaky and put whipped cream on Paul's glasses while he was napping.
4 generations of Ladies here. Grandma had a beverage spill, so we put her in her hubby's clothes for the rest of the afternoon! I personally think she's cute!
Kaygan and one of her Great Aunt Suzis... she has one on the Thole side and one on the Stell side!
And here are just a bunch of her in all of her cuteness!

Cuddling with her Easter Basket!
Bobby gave her the purple bunny, and I gave her the caterpillar.

Sleeping while eating... don't we all wish we could live that comfortably?

Kaygan with her Godmother!

So tired... it was a long day!
The End!

Kaygan with her Godmother!

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