So, Kayla and I took Kaygan on a walk this afternoon. Walking is oh so much more fun when you're pushing around a little cutie! I had my after baby follow up appointment yesterday, and of the 25 lbs that I put on during pregnancy, so far, I've lost...
32 lbs! Guess who's super excited about that one! I definitely want to keep that weight coming off, and I figure walking with my little Noodle Bug is the way to do that! Plus, I can usually get my mom or one of my sisters to go too, and I bet I'll be able to get Bobby to come with us once in a while too!
After my marathon mobile photo upload yesterday, I decided to try a little harder to keep up with those and getting them on here so that I don't have to spend so much time at once doing so many!
This is from this afternoon before we went on our walk. She sleeps best in someone's arms or in her Boppy!

Here's another one from yesterday.

This is how I found her after driving into town today. Just doesn't look too comfy!
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