Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today is the day!!!

Except, well, it doesn't seem to be THE day... Today is my Due Date though!

Everything is ready for Kaygan! I made a sheet for her carriage bed. This is the carriage (think I've mentioned it before) that is over 100 years old. It was used by my Grandpa Theiss as well as his 3 brothers, and many many other babies over the past 100 years or so! I love it and am so excited to use it for Kaygan! I did have to make my own sheet though. Yes, I've only made one so far, but she'll be sleeping on top of water proof pads, so hopefully that one sheet will do until I can make a few more! It was pretty easy though. I used a really cute fabric that I found on e-bay. I was a little nervous about finding things that were purple with ladybugs, but I've actually been pretty successful!

We were at Walmart last week, and this little ladybug was a candy box... so of course, we had to get it!
Kaygan's toys are all ready for her!

I have a dr. appointment tomorrow morning. Hopefully there is some progress, but if not (or maybe even if there is) I'm going to talk to him about inducing. I'm so ready for this little girl to be here! The past week has been very painful for me, and it's really starting to take it's toll on me! I've never been one to panic about things, but it seems that I'm having some panic/anxiety issues or something. Not due to impatience or fear of delivery, but due to the constant pain I'm currently in. I literally feel like I need to get out of my own body! This can't be good for Kaygan!

So, while I really wanted to be able to just let this all happen naturally, I just don't know that I'll be able to do that! HOPEfully, there will be a little pit of progress naturally, but, as I don't feel safe going past 41 weeks (40weeks 5 days specifically... thanks Knelli!) I'm going to talk to my dr. about inducing next Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. I don't know if he'll let me do it then, but he's said that he wouldn't make me go past 41 weeks, and that will be next Thursday... so, here's hoping for a baby by next Wednesday at the latest!

Bobby's parents are coming down... sounds like they are jumping in the car to make the trek from Seward, NE, as soon as we get checked in! It will be so fun to have them here for a few days! Kaygan will be the 5th Grandchild for them, though they already have 4 Great Grandkids as well!

Kaygan will be the first Grandchild for my parents! Well, unless you count their Grand Pups! Madison and Oscar (Becky's poodle) will have to share the attention now... well, actually, they'll probably just have to give up the attention! Madison is very ready for Kaygan to come, but only because she's tired of not fitting in Mommy's lap anymore!


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