How far along: 40 Weeks and 1 Day... my time was officially here yesterday!
Total weight gain/loss: 24 lbs... I hope they don't weigh me again...I hate that stupid scale!
Maternity clothes: Umm, some shirts still, but I've basically resorted to yoga or running pants and t-shirts or sweatshirts.
Stretch marks: Yes, and I think some of them might actually rip open soon!
Sleep: ***YAWN*** Sleep... what was that again?
Best moment last week: Hitting my due date... which was also a not great moment, as nothing happened!!!
Movement: Still a good mover, though it's mush less kicks and punches... she's out of room and just stretches now!
Food cravings: A Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake! My family is on orders to pick one up while Bobby and I are having our first 'family hours' with Kaygan.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None. No internal progress at the 40 week appt. Been having some major pain and contractions, but they seem to be doing no good!
Belly Button in or out: So, it's kinda an outie around the outer rim, but still an innie in the middle! It's very funny looking!
What I miss: being Comfortable!
What I am looking forward to: Delivery.
Milestones: Hit the Due Date
'Fun' new symptom: My whole stomach has gone numb. The top part is constant pins and needles feeling, which HURTS. The only way to get it to go away is to lay down, so, I've been having to do that more often than I'd like!
Friday, February 12, 2010
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