Friday, June 18, 2010

Grants Farm

At the beginning of June, I met up with three other mommies who've had miscarriages and now have (or will soon have) babies. It was the first time I've met them, though we've been friends online for over a year now! It was SO great to finally get some face time with them, and meet their little ones!

So, this is Zachary, he's a few months older than Kaygan.
This is all three of the babies, and one of the daughters of Lynn, who was about 30 weeks pregnant at our get together.
AND the babies with her other daughter, Mikayla.
All us mommies!
Evelyn, who was almost 11 months at this time!

And Kaygan... pretty dazed and tired by this point in the day it seems!

Here we all are as we're leaving the park!
Mandy loved 'protecting' Kaygan. She's gonna be a great big sister!
Totally had a blast! Can't wait to meet up with my bump friends again soon!


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