Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stay at Home Mommy

That's the life for me!

So, with Kaygan not being in the clear to be around a bunch of kids, and with my Grandpa living with my parents (at the in home studio), and needing more and more care from my mom (my business partner) we have decided to close Digital Dynamics. It sucks, but, there just really isn't any way to make it work any more. Kaygan's not so good immune system, Grandpa's Alzheimers getting worse and Mom's heart issues just aren't going to make it possible to give the studio what it needs to function.

I'm still doing photography for family and friends, even by word of mouth, but not the same way we have been doing it, and not available etc. Not even going to have a business phone anymore. So, as of June 1st, the studio is officially closed and my new title is SAHM (Stay at home mom).

Someday in the future a few years, I fully intend to go into business again. We'll just see when! Until then, I'll just have to keep all the magazine articles and ideas tucked away in a binder, just waiting to be put to good use!


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