Happy Birthday to Bobby Happy 1 Month to Kaygan Happy St. Pat's Day to everyone else...
Yes, March 17th is busy for me! Here's some pics from that day!
That says 34 in the candles...it's just a little hard to tell! I made him a German Chocolate Cake, his favorite for a birthday cake. He just couldn't resist a little taste! Aunt Kayla with Kaygan...
We were really trying hard to catch a smile from her! She started smiling at us 3 or 4 days before her 1 month mark... doc says she's very intelligent! That night, Kayla, Kaygan and I drove down to Jackson to see J'Nae. CUNE's A Capella choir was singing at a church down there, so we surprised her! So, that day was jam packed but super fun!
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