So, my Sister Becky threw Kaygan a baby shower on Jan 2. It was very small and very casual... I didn't want to have one at all, but since she insisted, I told her small and casual was the way it had to be. It ended up being just family, and very casual!
Here's some (ok, alot of) Pics!
Getting munchies! Becky did great... did some healthy and some tasty... I tease her that they can't fall under both categories, but this was all good mostly healthy... so kuddos Bex!

And me eating... PG girl with food, imagine that!

I just wanted to make sure I got a few pics of everyone on here
My cousin Jason's wife Beth.

Aunt Edie

My cousin Phill's wife Mary

Me and Aunt Sue

Aunt Eunice and Aunt Dorothy

Elizabeth and Emmalynn

There was one more person here... but Aunt Max didn't want her picture taken! So, no pics of her!
So, Becky had some really fun Shower Games. The first one was a continuous 'through the shower' game. We each got an ice cube in our drinks with a little plastic baby bottle frozen inside of it. Whenever our bottle 'broke free' from the ice cube we had to shout out "My Water Broke!" It was fun... and I'm pretty sure Elizabeth's water broke first... great for a 13 year old!
The second game, Becky asked for 3 volunteers who didn't mind making a fool of themselves... imagine all of our shock (note sarcasm) when A. Eunie and her daughters Emmalynn and Elizabeth volunteered! They each got a bottle full of lemon water and the first to finish won!

Eunie ripped the nipple part off of hers and chugged it... she said it was 'broken' so she 'had' to do it that way!

Then we played musical diapers. We all passed around diapers to music. When the music stopped, whoever had the dirty (with melted chocolate) diaper was out... After the shower I gave it to Bobby and told him that we'd all gotten diapers with prizes in them and this was his! He didn't get very far into opening it before he said "no way!" and handed it back to me!

Then we did a diaper changing relay. 3 teams of 4 people. We were blindfolded and had to take off one diaper and put another one on. Somehow, the team with a 13 and 16 year old won!

Kaygan got lots of great gifts!

Including her bedroom set!

This is me opening the bedding set. There was also a toy in the middle package, and when I pressed on the top package to try to take it off, the middle package kept talking... hence me laughing in this one!

I'm so in love with these little onesies! I actually got 2 sets of them, in 2 different sizes so she will be able to wear them for a long time! People really know me and my love for purple... it was
my favorite color first! ;)

I can't wait to put Kaygan in these shorts... I seriously wish they had them in mommy size too, I'd so wear them!

Beth gave us a sleeper that says 'My Daddy Loves Me'... sweet and very true!

One of my online friends had gotten this little trinket. She knew I was doing Kaygan's room in Ladybugs, so she sent it to me. I got it the morning of the shower!

So, there were many more pictures. But, not all of them very flattering, especially the bottle drinking ones! I also don't seem to have gotten a cake picture on my camera, but Bex did a great job on it. Homemade frosting with frosting ladybugs walking up a hill! Very Cute!
EDIT: Mary sent a cake picture!!! Thank You!!!

Hey now! Purple might have been YOUR favorite color first, but Ladybug were mine and Hayden's thing first ;) lol
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