How far along: 26 weeks, Only 14 to go!
Total weight gain/loss: 9lbs
Maternity clothes: not yet!
Stretch marks: just the beginning of one... it's actually a former stretch mark that is getting some color back to it :(
Sleep: yes, I'm sleeping, but not well most nights!
Best moment last week: Bobby getting to feel her kick again and watching my belly do a little bouncy dance! Dr. Appt today and getting to see her again!
Movement: strong as ever, still mostly very low, but getting a bunch higher up now too!
Food cravings: Nothing
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None yet... which is a very good thing!
Belly Button in or out: Innie...but getting flatter
What I miss: Being able to easily get up off of a cushy couch!
What I am looking forward to: Delivery. I think we've hit all the fun stuff now.
Milestones: 99 days to go... well, 98 as of today!
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