So, Here's what's been going on!
After we found out about our LO (Little One) I started to get sick almost right away. It was all day long, just like our first pregnancy. But, thankfully, this time, I went for the Zofran right away. It never completely took it away, but it took the edge off. Good thing too, since I had a bunch of weddings in June and July!
We were just over 7 weeks when we had our first U/S (ultra sound). At that U/S I had a pretty good idea of just how far along we were, but, our LO was actually ahead of schedule. Our EDD (estimated due date) was moved up to Feb. 11. Here's our first pic of LO!

Just after the U/S, I went to our Family Reunion in Cantrall IL. It was a great week. Bib said I was to go and just relax, because it would be my last reunion where I didn't have to chase a LO the whole time! So, I went, I relaxed and had a great time! It was so fun to show off the U/S pic of our LO.
While at Family Reunion, my cousin's little girl Hayden decided that our baby's name was Carfie. That's the name she gives all of her dollies so no one was surprised! So, Carfie has been our LO's nickname ever since!
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