Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Taylor Reece

Many of you know that just 7 weeks after our wedding we found out that we were 5 weeks pregnant! It was a little bit of a surprise that we were able to conceive so quickly, but we were sooooo super happy and excited!

I surprised Bobby at work by telling him that I had a surprise for him. I held out two fists and told him to pick a hand. He picked the right one, which was also the correct one, and I opened my had to reveal a pacifier! He was really shocked and had to go sit down! He quickly recovered and started calling his family.

We told my family the next day by hanging the pacifier on their empty Christmas tree!

Our pregnancy was going very well except for the all day morning sickness I was having!

On January 31st, we were 13 weeks pregnant and were so glad to be coming out of the first trimester. My morning sickness was tapering off and food was starting to taste good again!

Then things came to an abrupt halt for us. I ended up in the ER where they informed us that our baby had passed away. We are devastated, of course. According to the dr. our baby had passed some time ago.

I had surgery to remove the baby on February 4th. Recovery was rough for a few days. They asked us if we wanted to participate in the Share program. We chose to. 4 times a year the Share group takes all of the babies who were not carried to term (mostly late 1st Trimester losses like ours, and early 2nd Trimester losses), and has a memorial service and burial. There is a special cemetery in Cape specifically for this group. This means that we will actually have a grave to go to where our baby will be buried.

We would like to thank you all for the prayers that you have sent our way. We have talked many times about how much harder this would be if people were not praying for us.

It has been just over two weeks since we lost our baby. In order to feel some closure, we have decided to name our baby Taylor Reece Stell. We feel that this is the perfect name for our baby, who's gender we will not know until we get to heaven.

We will also be purchasing a plant to have in our home in memory of Taylor.


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